The full spectrum of audiology services at Oregon Medical Group includes both the diagnosis of hearing loss and the development of a customized treatment plan to meet your individual needs. Our goal is to work with you to minimize the impact that hearing loss and communication difficulties can have on your life.
Our audiologists provide compassionate and comprehensive care to patients from Eugene and Springfield, and across Lane County. Often, patients come to us through a referral by their OMG primary care provider, but we welcome anyone who needs audiology care. We are known for the thorough and evidence-based medical approach we take to patient care.
Comprehensive audiometric testing (all ages)
Acoustic Immittance
Otoacoustic Emissions
Newborn hearing screenings
Auditory brainstem response (ABR) testing
Other services
Hearing aid candidacy evaluation and selection
Hearing aid fitting using real-ear verification
Osseointegrated device evaluation and fitting
Cochlear implant candidacy evaluation and processor mapping
Custom hearing protection fitting